Supporting all web designers / developers working with
real estate and property clients
Hello to our valued colleagues and network,
Being part of the ListOnce Developers Referral Network means you can access dedicated APIs and developer support; enjoy greater flexibility and scalability for your real estate websites; receive referral commission, and; suggest enhancements around the APIs and Webhooks to better serve you and your clients.
Syncing listing data and storing locally
ListOnce can be used as either a real-time, listings search engine, or as a data source. Currently, you will need to call the ListOnce APIs on a recurring basis including the modified_from filter (see example below):

Webhooks can also be utilised to streamline the syncing process for certain data sets.
Schools Data
Access free and comprehensive Schools data for your real estate website via the ListOnce API – we can help with some advice.
REA Ratings & Reviews (coming soon)
Introducing a new API endpoint that offers a streamlined solution to display REA ratings and reviews at no additional cost.
Developers will have the ability to retrieve a list of agent reviews without the need to integrate additional third-party APIs. Agencies will also be provided tools within ListOnce to manage reviews, including the ability to hide specific reviews or define a custom order.
Multiloading Reports API
ListOnce now offers an API endpoint for CRM or Campaign Management platforms that are integrated with the ListOnce Multiloading service.
This endpoint allows our mutual clients to view the status of their listings (i.e. agency website and portals Multiloading activity) within their chosen platform UI.
For complimentary dev and support advice around listings management, simply save or reply to this email support@listonce.com.au

Proptech, Data and Website Specialists